Our Mission
The mission of the Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group is to promote recovery of self sustaining, naturally spawning salmonid populations and healthy aquatic ecosystems. We do this by restoring river and stream habitat, providing nutrients for juvenile fish growth, and engaging the community in hands-on salmon stewardship and education. d
In short, we are boots on the ground restoration practitioners. At LCFEG, our passion is seeing the potential in damaged, blocked, and undernourished stream reaches and restoring them so wild salmon and steelhead can rest, feed, and spawn there.
Our vision is rooted in hydrology, geomorphology, and restoration ecology and we make it happen with partnerships, collaboration, and hard work. We look at waters big and small across the Lower Columbia region and ask how this particular reach—given its unique history, ecology, and potential—can be repaired to bring back healthy habitat for salmon and steelhead. Whether it’s planting trees to restore functional riparian areas or stacking large wood to create deep pools and redistribute spawning gravel, this is our contribution to the long term recovery of the Northwest’s native fish.
The Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit salmon recovery organization founded in 1991. Working within watersheds throughout Clark, Skamania, Wahkiakum, and Cowlitz Counties, we successfully leverage public funding through landowner partnerships and collaboration with individuals, groups, corporations, tribes, foundations, and agencies.
Base funding for the RFEG program comes from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, a portion of state commercial and recreational fishing license fees, and excess egg and carcass sales administered by the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.​