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SF Toutle at Johnson Creek Riparian Restoration 


LCFEG will formalize and implement a riparian and floodplain enhancement project in the Johnson Creek reach of the SF Toutle River including installation of at least 40 floodplain roughness structures preloaded with organic matter and 38,900 plants over nearly 46 acres. This response reach is struggling to develop a floodplain forest forty years after the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens (Loowit). The project is designed to retain organic materials and fine sediments necessary to establish floodplain vegetation. LCFEG completed an instream project in this reach in 2017 (SRFB# 14-1335) and this project will complement that project, supplementing and jumpstarting vegetation in both riparian and upland areas. This project will utilize a variety of riparian strategies developed by LCFEG in the Toutle watershed over the last 5 years via implementation of the 14-1338 and 16-1694 projects. Once mature, the floodplain forests created with these projects will support ESA-listed Chinook, coho, and steelhead with food, cover, long-term LWD supply, and a naturally functioning floodplain.

Summer Construction Work & Fall Planting

LCFEG Staff will be working to install around 10,000 native plants at the Johnson Reach of the South Fork (SF) Toutle throughout fall 2024. Since 2020, LCFEG has been working diligently in the Johnson reach of the South Fork Toutle. The goal for this project is to install at least 40 large woody structures into the water column (preloaded with organic matter) and to install over 38,000 native plants across the 46-acre project area by 2025.

Figure 1. Summer 2023 Construction of a log jam on the Johnson reach of the SF Toutle

During summer 2023, with the help of Mike Watters Excavation, we installed over 200 pieces of wood–including logs, stumps, and root wads–and boulders. These materials were used to construct and/or refresh 25 large habitat structures. We also installed numerous mini-structures, consisting of strategically placed boulders and woody debris to encourage pool formation and fish resting spots. LCFEG staff worked hard to secure these structures post construction with heavy-duty bolts and chains, so that the structures can withstand high water flows. 


Figure 2. LCFEG Staff and partners installing riparian plants within the project area. During fall 2023, about 10,000 native plants were installed. Due to the cobbly and rocky sediments, excavators are brought in to assist with digging holes for the plants. 

Target Species 

Chinook ​


46 Acres of Floodplain Treated, 40 structures and over  38,000 native plants installed 


Partners/Contractors & Consultants



WA RCO (Project #20-1082) $296,700


11018 NE 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA  98682
(360) 882-6671

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